Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cold Creek Drug Rehab And Addiction Treatment In Salt Lake City

Cold Creek Behavioral Health’s successful treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is based on decades of research, studying and applying what works in addiction recovery. We use a full range of evidence-based and comprehensive therapies that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Cold Creek Salt Lake City Addiction Treatment Center

Cold Creek offers addiction treatment salt lake city for alcoholism and drug addiction. Drug treatment in Salt Lake is based on decades of research, studying and applying what works in addiction recovery. We use a full range of evidence-based  non 12-step drug rehab salt lake city, which include comprehensive therapies that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Designed for success The National Institute on Drug Abuse evaluated thousands of treatment outcomes. The most successful and effective programs have limited enrollment and are designed around eight to ten clients. Cold Creek Drug Rehab and alcohol treatment programs are based on this model. We offer a limited enrollment program of eight clients. There is no substitute for the individual attention offered by smaller programs with less than ten clients. To compliment this limited enrollment, we maintain an industry leading staffing ratio to ensure a successful recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do you serve?

We treat adult men and women, ages 18 years and older, with chemical dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders.

What about the staff?

We have a well-trained staff of educated professionals who are prepared to meet the unique needs of each client. Our treatment team consists of a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers, therapists, addiction counselors, experiential therapists, and chefs. All of our staff is first aid and CPR certified.

What People Say About Cold Creek Drug Rehab

Cold Creek has given me the greatest gift of all…I have my life back. Brandon

Cold Creek has literally changed my life. The facility and environment was so comforting that it made it easy to relax and focus on myself. Everyone on the Cold Creek staff was amazing. I feel as though they are truly concerned with helping people overcome their addiction and get better. Zach

I learned more about myself, my body, mind, and spirit and others around me, including my addiction and relationship issues in 40 days, than my previous 40 years of life. Cold Creek was a life changing experience. Rochelle