Thursday, October 1, 2015

Non-12 Step Rehab & Non AA Addiction Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT

Cold Creek Behavioral Health is one of these "Effective treatment programs". We have been applying and refining these "Principles of Effective Treatment" for nearly a decade. Because no one treatment is appropriate for everyone we have a staff of multidisciplinary counselors and Masters level therapists who create individualized treatment plans which match each client's unique circumstances.

This individualized treatment is best provided by programs like Cold Creek Behavioral Health Salt Lake which offers a limited enrollment program designed around eight to ten Clients. We offer industry leading client to staff ratios – Nearly one to one! Treatment programs enrolling more than ten clients into one program simply cannot monitor and track client progress. Inevitably, in larger programs the most demanding clients consume the majority of therapist time, while other equally deserving clients are set up to fail because they never receive the number of individual counseling sessions they need and deserve. Don't find out this happened to you or your loved one after a relapse. Verify enrollment size first.

The Cold Creek Behavioral Health's non 12 step drug rehab treatment program combines a comprehensive range of complimentary therapy approaches, including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Abstinence-Based Counseling, EMDR, Motivational Interviewing, Family Therapy, Equine Therapy, Mind Body Bridging, and Psycho Educational Intervention. Our staff is experienced in all aspects of addiction treatment and each leverages these non 12-step specialty to help you or your family overcome addiction.

Cold Creek offers addiction treatment in Salt Lake City for of alcoholism and drug addiction. Our Drug treatment in Salt Lake City is based on decades of research, studying and applying what works in addiction recovery. We use a full range of evidence-based  non 12-step drug rehab in Salt Lake City, which include comprehensive therapies that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Designed for success The National Institute on Drug Abuse evaluated thousands of treatment outcomes. The most successful and effective programs have limited enrollment and are designed around eight to ten clients. Cold Creek’s Salt Lake drug and alcohol treatment programs are based on this model. We offer a limited enrollment program of eight clients. There is no substitute for the individual attention offered by smaller programs with less than ten clients. To compliment this limited enrollment, we maintain an industry leading staffing ratio to ensure a successful addiction recovery.

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